Innovative Technologies Improving Building Sustainability
Building for the future.
Buildings play a significant role in the global energy balance. Typically, they account for 20-30% of the total primary energy requirement of industrialized countries, 40% in EU.
Global buildings sector energy intensity fell by 1.3% per year between 2010 and 2014, thanks to continued adoption and enforcement of building energy codes and efficiency standards.
Yet progress has not been fast enough to offset growth in floor area (3% per year globally) and increasing energy demand.
Applying integrated Renewable Energy Systems to buildings is an important application for wider integration and deployment of renewable energy and to achieving our binding EU targets of at least a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by 2030.
Latest news about IDEAS
IDEAS Coverage in The Times
Our project received extensive coverage today in The Times. The article written by journalist Lorna Siggins involves an outline of the project and an interview with our Project Coordinator Prof Sarah McCormack of Trinity College Dublin. The article is available to subscription holders, but can be accessed for those wishing to register with the...
Poster presentation – 4th International Caparica Conference on Chromogenic and Emissive Materials 2020 (on-line conference)
Download PDF version of the poster herePoster entitled “New Tetraphenylethylene-based luminescent dyes for parabolic concentrators” presented in the 4th International Caparica Conference on Chromogenic and Emissive Materials 2020, IC3EM 2020, 16-19th November 2020 (on-line conference). In the poster the synthesis and characterization of some of...
Progress of IDEAS: Small plant prototype in University of Ferrara, Focus Group Research Cagliari
Download PDF version of our newsletter hereThe prototype of the IDEAS system has been successfully installed at a test site at the University of Ferrara, by the team led by Associate Professor Michele Bottarelli. The data it provides will be key to the successful progress of the IDEAS technology to the next stage which is the installation of the...